I'm very grateful to volunteers Alessandro Pastore, Javier Oca, Valentina Rossi, Alberto Marcone, Paolo Errani, and Simone Gallarini for completing the Italian translation of Sustainable Energy - without the hot air.
There is an announcement of the translation, and a synopsis, at this link, and the first draft of the translation is available on the book's translation page.Energia sostenibile - senza aria fritta — Nel caso ci fossero sfuggite delle imperfezioni o errori, all'indirizzo email: energia.senzaariafritta@gmail.com, saremo ben lieti di riceverne segnalazione. Il libro in italiano può essere scaricato liberamente da internet all'indirizzo http://www.withouthotair.com/translations.html.
Hi. How did you approach translating this book in practical terms? Did you work right off the PDF-files or did you get direct access to some sort of source files?
ReplyDeleteThe source files can be supplied to translators by me (DJCM) or my publisher (nmm@uit). Many translators have worked directly on these source files. Some have started from scratch, making their own document.