I'm happy to announce that Sustainable Energy - without the hot air is finished.
It's got a publisher, a cover design, and a publication date of December 1st 2008.
All that remains is some frantic last minute editing and correcting; then an 8-week wait.
The book will remain free on my website.
When would you need any typos/corrections by for them to be useful?
Typos and corrections are welcome in perpetuity, but if received before October 23rd will be especially valuable. I reckon October 23rd is the deadline for the big First Edition. Thanks! David
Thought you might be interested in Google's plan for US energy independence / carbon reduction. It has some interesting similarities and differences to your plans I think. See link:
Good news David. I will be waiting to buy the print edition on amazon :)
I've updated my book to discuss the google plan. (See the end notes of chapter 30.)
Congratulations. It appears that your site www.withouthotair.com is down right now. You may wish to check on that.
Hopefully it's because tons of people are downloading your book. That's what I was about to do. I wanted to check your analysis of the Google Energy Plan.
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