Saturday, May 24, 2014

Energia sostenibile - senza aria fritta [Italian translation of Sustainable Energy - without the hot air!]

I'm very grateful to volunteers Alessandro Pastore, Javier Oca, Valentina Rossi, Alberto Marcone, Paolo Errani, and Simone Gallarini for completing the Italian translation of Sustainable Energy - without the hot air.

There is an announcement of the translation, and a synopsis, at this link, and the first draft of the translation is available on the book's translation page.

Energia sostenibile - senza aria frittaNel caso ci fossero sfuggite delle imperfezioni o errori, all'indirizzo email:, saremo ben lieti di riceverne segnalazione. Il libro in italiano può essere scaricato liberamente da internet all'indirizzo



Jarl Arntzen said...

Hi. How did you approach translating this book in practical terms? Did you work right off the PDF-files or did you get direct access to some sort of source files?

David MacKay FRS said...

The source files can be supplied to translators by me (DJCM) or my publisher (nmm@uit). Many translators have worked directly on these source files. Some have started from scratch, making their own document.